appointment - minister
The Ministership is the highest appointment the Union can confer and is accorded to those who have been selected as worthy to represent Spiritualism by their bearing and example as Ministers of Religion. SNU Ministers have governmental recognition as Ministers of Religion on a par with other demoninations, with all the rights and privileges accorded to these such as the authority to sign passports and to visit Spiritualists upon request in hospitals, HM Forces and HM Prisons. Ministers are not appointed to specific districts or affiliated bodies.
appointment - OFFICIANT (OSNU)
The Officiancy is granted to those who are considered capable of working within the Ministry conducting services such as marriages, funerals and namings and other services as delegated by the Ministers Administration Committee. It is by invitation from the National Executive Committee from among candidates who have satisfactorily completed the prescribed training and assessment.
awards - diploma (DSNU)
The Diploma is awarded in a number of classes by the Exponents Committee to those who have satisfied the minimum overall requirements of a Final Assessment Board for the combination of subjects prescribed for the diploma being applied for. Diploma holders must hold the relevant Certificate before applying for the Diploma. (See list at bottom of page for subjects)
The Certificate of Recognition is awarded in a number of classes by the Exponents Committee to those who are considered capable of worthily serving the movement in the name of the Union and as having a reasonable knowledge of Spiritualism and a reasonable standard of speaking ability, mediumship, healing, administrative or other ability as the case may be. Candidates are required to have obtained an overall pass in the required subject or subjects before applying for the Certificate and appear before a Final Assessment Board. (See list at bottom of page for subjects)
F - Fellowship (FSNU)
A - Approved Assessor (ASNU)
T - Approved Teacher of the SNU (TSNU)
ADV - Advanced
ART - Spirit Art
A - Assessing
B - Basic Foundation
D - Demonstrating
E - Lyceum Leadership
G - General Administration
H - Healing
L - Lecturing
R - Private Readings
S - Speaking
T - Teaching
art - Spirit Art
a - Assessing
d - Demonstrating
e - Lyceum Leadership
g - General Administration
h - Healing
r - Private Readings
s - Speaking
t - Teaching