David started the meeting by saying that he had heard that a lot of Churches will continue to use Zoom even when they are able to hold other services/events at the Church premises.
He said that under Government guidance, any Church can open their premises now for a public service of worship. The guidance will be reviewed 5 weeks following the opening of schools and a decision taken as to whether to move to the next stage.
Churches need to be open safely;
Guidelines from the Government at the moment are sketchy;
Some form of social distancing will continue until the end of the year;
Guidance Churches is available to download from the SNU website;
Leaflets and posters i.e. social distancing posters are available to download from the SNU website;
Up to a few months ago faith specific guidance was available – this has not happened this time;
Cannot open Churches for other functions.
As the guidance changes the SNU will be placing updates on social media channels & the website.
The NEC announced in February that they had extended the AGM season to 30th June 2021. An AGM cannot be held now.
A lot of Churches are organising their AGM for the end of June when it is hoped a lot of restrictions will be lifted;
As guidance changes the NEC will give advice in good time – if the AGM season has to be extended;
Members should still pay their Church Membership fees to support their Church;
Churches will still have to pay Affiliation Fees to the Union;
Church Committees can waive the membership fees on a case by case basis or for all members; but they will still have to pay the affiliation fees to the Union;
Churches have been given an extension to pay the affiliation fees until 31st March 2021;
If a Church is in financial difficulties the Union will help; no SNU Church will close because it runs out of money – the Union are providing grants/interest loans
Churches are part of the Union and they can seek help from the Union
David gave a tribute to the North Yorkshire District Council for giving a donation to the Churches in their area.
Churches can open with Social Distancing or it 1 metre+ or 2 metres?
Two metres (this has not changed) – may be reduced towards the end of lockdown – there is no guidance as yet.
Castleford Church has claimed a loss of income from the Insurers for last year. The Church are with Congregational Insurers. Quite a considerable sum was received thanks to the Treasurer’s persistence.
Let the Union know if you are successful with this type of claim we can use it as a precedent for other Churches to use.
If we are having an AGM towards the end of June so we would have to advertise it around 17th May to give the appropriate notice.
According to the Church Rules you will have to write to all Church Members – can still announce at Church Services.
Is it acceptable to email those members who we have email addresses for?
Yes – Members can receive information by email.
The new Rules for Churches Rules will cover this topic, but they are not in force until 1st January 2022. The Union took the view that it would be unfair to expect Churches to implement new Rules when they are dealing with the re-opening of the Church premises. Each Church will receive a copy after the SNU AGM. Information and training days will be offered. The Charity Commission have asked that the Church Rules are updated every 5 years instead of 3 years unless a particular situation arises that must be addressed.
Is 30th June the deadline for Church AGMs to be held?
Yes – if it becomes evident that because of changes to guidance this cannot happen, then the NEC will alter. If a Church Committee have a valid reason as to why they cannot comply with the 30thJune deadline they could ask the NEC for a dispensation to hold it latter, but the Committee would have to supply the reasons for the request.
What happens if the AGM is not quorate and we have held it towards the end of June? There will not be time to hold another meeting before the deadline.
Follow the Rules for Churches and re-arrange to another date. The NEC will accept this as a reason for the AGM not being completed. We are working with a situation that could change and we will need to react.
The maximum we can have in our Church with the 3 metre distancing is 15/20 people. We have more members than that – how do we select who attends? If the 9 Committee Members attend that will reduce the number of members who can attend.
If cannot get all members into the Church premises then the Committee would have to arrange to hold the AGM in a larger venue i.e. another Church where they have a larger room or a local village hall.
It was stated that any Church can open for a public service and then this was changed to say a public worship. Is healing considered to be a public service?
Churches can hold Divine Services. A Healing Service is not considered to be service of worship. Healing in Churches cannot take place now.
Because we did not hold an AGM last year, we have 2 motions that were to have been discussed can we present these motions this year?
Yes – put on agenda as normal
We sent out nomination forms last year and they were returned by the members do we have to send them out again?
Do we have to do a report to cover the 2 years?
The report should cover the Church business as appropriate
You will have to present 2 sets of accounts if your Church did not hold an AGM last year.
If we have already sent out nomination papers for this year but had to delay the AGM – do these nominations count?
Yes as you had started the process this year.
One Church commented that when the Church premises open again the Committee will split into 2 or 3 sections and attend at different times.
1 person to be at the door letting people in
1 person to chair
1 person to assist wherever needed
This is a good suggestion.
What if we issue the nomination papers and they are returned and the Government changes the guidance and we cannot hold the AGM?
If they nomination forms have been issued and returned – then that part of the process is dealt with for this year. If there is a delay the nominations will stand for this year.
We had a few members who did not pay their membership fees last year. If we do not have an AGM in June – when some members would normally pay their fees – can they pay 2 years.
Did you write to tell them they had not paid their membership fees. Under the current situation, the only reason they have not paid is because the Church is not open. Technically the Rules for Churches says that if you have written to a member to remind them and they have still not paid – their membership lapses. However, we are in a national pandemic so we could be lenient.
Can we hire out the Church for non-Spiritualist funerals?
Would have to take advice on this question. The Charity Commission view is that the Church should be used for the practice of Spiritualism only.
If a Church Committee decide to waive the payment of membership fees for this year, does this affect the person’s membership at all?
If the Committee have taken a decision to waive the membership fees as a whole – because they can afford to do this- it is allowable without any affect on the person’s membership. However, the Church will still have to pay the SNU affiliation fees in full.
Could we hold an AGM in the garden of the Church as it has quite a large space?
Not a problem as long as the membership are not disenfranchised at all.
How does the Union stand on technology, why can we not send out the nomination forms and ask for a response?
In the Rules for Churches there are still elements of the AGM that should be dealt with in hard copy. Nomination Forms must be sent out in hard copy.
A Church needs to form a Committee we have arranged a bank of willing helpers who are to meet on 17th April 2021 – can we use the Church premises to meet.
No – you can only meet virtually.
What is the definition of a Public Worship Service? Under Toulson it states prayer & address. Could we hold communal healing instead of a demonstration.
Yes – a Church Public Worship Service must have philosophy and a prayer – they are the important elements.
Public worship is prayer and hymns. The address is to help/teach those who are listening how to live their life as a Spiritualist.
The requirement for hymns has not been removed – pop songs do not comply. There is no requirement for a demonstration.
The congregation do not have to sing hymns – they can be played.
Its sometimes nicer for hymns to be played as people do not always sing.
If SNU Churches cannot be used by other Religions – what happens to the Second Principle?
It is the Charity Commission ruling that we cannot allow other Religions to use a room set aside for public worship.
If a Church has a separate hall then they could check with the Union to see if can be allowed.
There are a lot of alternative services available on the SNU website that do not require mediumship. They can easily be downloaded.
Is it correct that as part of the management team of a Church that you are able to meet at the Church because they are trustees of the building.
If meeting for a service – it has been said that those helping out do not form part of the number count. If doing a funeral at the crematorium you can have 10 people plus crematorium staff and the Minister.
The guidance from the Government is quite clear. You can only meet at a Church for a service of public worship. The Union recommend that all Committee Meetings are held online. There is nothing in the guidance that excludes workers from the number count.
If Churches are experiencing financial difficulties SNU Trust are also able to help. Some Churches have been helped already. SNUT are open for business as usual.
Head Office have been open throughout the pandemic, they are the first port of call for guidance and clarification.
National AGM 2021
The NEC have agreed to hold the National AGM online again this year on 17th & 18th July. If you have returned your booking form and made a payment – it will be returned to you. Further details will be sent out closer to the date. The AGM will take place over 2 days this year not 1 day like it did last year.
National AGM 2022
The AGM will be held on 16th and 17th July 2022 at Norwich. The NEC are looking at the feasibility of using a voting system online again.